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Getting started with Car Paint Colours

Say goodbye to car paint chips in three easy steps

The smart-chip® paint pen uses a pioneering technology meaning we can eliminate the use of clear lacquer. The duel purpose pen includes a fine brush and nib. We’ve designed the kit to make your car look as good as new in three easy steps. 

Step 1: Clean and apply

Before you begin, use the nitrile gloves provided to protect your hands. Now, use the alcohol prep pad and thoroughly clean the damaged area. This removes any polish or residue that might prevent the paint from adhering properly. Once the chip is clean and dry, it’s time to apply the paint! Dab a small amount of paint onto the chip, gently smooth it across the damaged area. Let the paint dry completely (drying time varies between 60 seconds and 20 minutes depending on the amount applied). For larger chips, you may need to apply multiple thin layers, letting each layer dry completely before adding the next. 

Step 2: Blending for a professional finish

Once your applied paint is completely dry, it’s time for blending! This step removes any excess paint, creating a smooth transition between the repaired area and the surrounding paintwork. Take the alcohol prep pad and wrap it around the micro-foam block provided. Gently wipe the repaired area in a side-to-side motion. Avoid applying any downward pressure, as this could damage the newly applied paint. Let the alcohol solution gradually remove the excess paint, achieving a seamless finish. 

Step 3: Polishing for shine

After the blending solution dries completely, it’s time to polish! This final step removes any remaining residue and buffs the area, making the repair virtually undetectable. 

Using the Step 3 Smart-Chip® Cut & Polish, apply a small amount to the repaired area using the soft side of the blue compound sponge. Gently polish the area in a circular motion. Once complete, take the microfibre cloth and buff the area to a high shine. 

Follow our easy step-by-step video below.

You can also download our step by step guide which includes some helpful hints and tips.


To order your own car touch up repair aerosol or Smart Chip pen, simply enter your registration number on the home page and choose your products.